Thursday, January 13, 2011

My first Blog Award!

I am so honored to receive my first blog award ever from Susan at Darling Girl Cosmetics!! And what a compliment coming from a makeup creator herself! Thanks Susan!

So to the rules:
1. Thank & Link back to the person who gave you the Award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 15 people's blogs that you have discovered whilst blogging (share the love lol).

4. Contact these blogger's to let them know they have been given the award.

Seven things about me

1. I have a 3 year old daughter who is the light of my life!
2.  I am a doula
3. I am totally addicted to chocolate
4.  If I could I would stay in bed and read good books all day long
5. I looove Grey's Anatomy and all crime shows
6. I have wayy more eyeshadow than even I know what to do with...and yet I keep buying more...
7.  I am extremely interested in/passionate about natural health such as homeopathy, herbalism, reflexology, etc.

The 15 awesome women I would like to award this to..(although I wish it could be all the ladies I follow, but that would just take forever! lol)
Makeup Barbie (awesome collages and looks)
The Daybook (the cutest girl ever)
Beauty's Bad Habit (inspires me to try new products and looks!)
Adventures in Makeup (beautiful woman who always has great looks)
Christina Marie Says.. (lots of fun hauls and amazing makeup)
Zoella (beautiful and entertaining)
Beauty Fulfilled (seriously, could she be any more gorgeous!?)
Daisy Loves Lipgloss (fun blog that I really enjoy)
City Girl's Fashion Box (clever little eye candy!)
Faeries Stole My Lipstick! (love the name and the daily looks!)
Eyeconic Makeup (lovely swatches, reviews, and looks)
Powder and Gloss (gorgeous blog and girl. love the OOTDs)
Click An Makeup! (love this girl, she is so funny & entertaining)
Liquored on Lacquer (love her nail looks!)
Arabian Eyes (BEAUTIFUL eye looks! she totally inspires me!)


  1. Thanks so much for the award :D So kind of you! Congrats on winning as well! x

  2. Thanks! I'm going to try and repost this later today :)

  3. Thanks for the award :) x

  4. awh your so lovely! thank you very much! :) made my day! xxxxx

  5. i know this is very overdue lol but thank you sooo much honey xxxx
